Some projects, repairs, thigns I have done or am currently working on. Also engineering theses.

Engineering Theses

IT Engineering Thesis

Smart home – project and implementation of a system for switching electrical devices

Electronics Engineering Thesis

Development of DSP solution in FPGA structures


Tesla Coil Experiments

has potential

Mini CNC Plotter Made From Disk Drives

Custom build and programmed from the ground up: software for the driver, backend and frontend. Utilizing ATMega, stepper drivers and motors. Using ATMega, C++, JS, Node.js, HTML.  

Line Follower Robot

Self constructed and programmed robot tht follows a black line. Based on an arduino, utilizing a reflective sensors module, DC motors, IR sensor for remote control and an 8×8 LED matrix for user feedback.

POV (Persistence Of Vision) ‘Fan’ LED Display

Rotating 9 LEDs array, utilizing arduino nano, DC brushed motor and Hall sensor – a virtual display based on the persistence of vision effect.

FPGA-Based LED Matrix Driver With Software Interface

A solution for high-level interface to 8×8 LED matrix. Fully custom PCB, FPGA-based driver and JS-based interface using Node.js backend.

2D MEMS ‘Spirit’ Level Platform

Design and implementation of a hardware platform for MEMS accelerometer ADXL203. Utilizing MSP430 uC and LCD graphic display.

Power Supply For Tattoo Machine v1

Homemade simple adjustable power supply based on an LM2576 adjustable switching coonverter, ment for supplying a tattoo machie.

Power Supply For Tattoo Machine v2

Just another variation on tattoo machine PSU. This one uses off the shelf switching converter module, digital potentiometer, V/I sensor module, OLED display and an arduino. It also has a custom 3D-printed case.

Driver Circuit For Electromagnetic Levitation Assembly

Implementation of an analog, magnetic levitation driver for a prexisting assembly.

Wooden Adjustable Drawing Board

Homemade drawing board with adjustabe angle.